Why renovate your home?
Some people just like new stuff. But there are many reasons to stay in your current home; great neighborhood, close to work, and you just love the house.
But homes are living things, and they need care and feeding. Just kidding about the feeding thing. However, they need new paint from time to time, new roofing, and work on the interior. Here are four reasons you should renovate that home you love:
- To increase your comfort and enjoyment; what would you like to change? Perhaps a cozy gas fireplace would make the winters more enjoyable; a newly enlarged shower that you’ve always wanted.
- Improve safety in the home; grab bars in the shower, updated electrical wiring and switches, and fix any leaking faucets and especially any leaks in the roof!
- Perhaps you need more space; have a garage turned into a bedroom with bath, or build up a partial second floor. Many homes have an unfinished basement; have it finished so the whole family can use that space.
- Have upgraded energy efficient windows installed. You will save energy, and can have different style windows installed; have picture windows replaced with operable windows, to enhance airflow through the house in summer.
When your enthusiasm for your home starts to wane, then it is time to upgrade the elements in the home that you are no longer happy with. When that happens, give us a call, we love to turn ho-hum houses in well-loved homes!