Solutions to kitchen storage, the modern day problem!
A few hundred years ago, homeowners had less “stuff” to store, but no one seems to want to go back to those “good old days”, so we need to tackle the storage problem.
Kitchens are notorious for poor storage options, and many kitchen remodels are done expressly to tackle this problem. So here are some options:
- Specially designed corner cabinets for ease of access to that perennially difficult spot.
- Pull-out drawers for pots and pans behind those cabinet doors.
- Cabinets built right up to the ceiling to maximize storage.
- Garbage and recycle bins located in pull-out shelves.
- “Garage” to store small appliances in.
- Skinny spice pull-out racks.
Custom cabinetry will be able to provide you with the best storage possible in your kitchen. You can specify depth of drawers and cabinets, pull-outs, etc., based on your cooking style.