Keeping remodeling costs reasonable
Most of us have a budget when we plan a remodel or addition, and yet we want the best bang for our buck, right?!
There are many ways to ensure the work stays within your budget, and here are some of the factors to consider:
- Get the most out of your budget by spending more on statement items, such as quartz countertops, or that perfect stove, but select less expensive materials where there are awesome look-alikes in less spendy materials.
- Ask your contractor for help with this; he or she will have the experience to know what trade-offs will look and function just great.
- Check with your contractor on ways to keep the work budget-friendly; one way is to not move major plumbing fixtures, as that will require running piping to the new location.
Another important consideration is your contractors overhead costs of doing business. The Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) has brought to our attention that there is a bill being reviewed that would considerably effect contractors costs of doing business. It is named SHB 1395. We sincerely recommend that you open the link, read the document, and sign the petition to ask your representatives to vote no on this bill.
Costs go up every year, and this bill would punish honest contractors, without providing our clients any additional guarantees. You can check with the BIAWC for local licensed contractors and recommendations.