Does your home need a complete makeover?
Maybe not just yet, there is always time for that in the future. But if your home is feeling more like a pain than a refuge from the world, here are some remodel ideas that fall short of that massive addition you are planning.
Update the kitchen by replacing the faucet; these things have internal valves that wear out and cause the faucet to leak every time you turn it on. Besides, you may prefer a different style, finish, or a higher arch on it, so you can get that big pot under it.
An older home may have multiple outdated lights. You can change these to all the same style, to give a more cohesive look, one that suits your preferences. Any new fixtures will be energy efficient, so this will save you money as well.
How about painting some walls? This needs to be done periodically anyway, so take the opportunity to have this done in new colors.
Replace cabinet hardware; get something you like, that is comfortable to use. What in the world were people thinking when they put some of those knuckle-busting cabinet pulls in?
You don’t have to do this all yourself! If you’re not into crawling around on your knees to paint the trim, or climbing up on ladders to replace light fixtures, get your favorite contractor to do it for you! You’ll be glad you did.